The Fifth Question Women of the Wall Rosh Hodesh Nissan As a rabbinical student, I am constantly reminded of one of the greatest skills I have been taught: the act of questioning. Who, what, where, when and my favorite, "why?" In each class, I take what I learn, question it, reason with it and apply it to society. This past month’s Women of the Wall Rodesh Hodesh service not only celebrated the new month of Nissan, but also marked the month of the Jewish holiday of freedom, Passover (Pesach in Hebrew). During the Shacharit service, no women were detained, and just like last month, we prepared ourselves for the guards to be standing at the security checkpoint where we would exit from. As we made our way to Robinson's Arch for the torah service, all of the women linked arms. I was linked in between two women who were in Israel for the Women of Reform Judaism's Centennial...